August 2, 2011

Creating the curing chamber

I purchased a used refrigerator on Craigslist for $100.00
Bought a temperature regulator for $60.00 on E-Bay 
Humidifier $50.00 CVS
Digital Temperature/ RH: $10.00 on E-Bay
Dryer vent: Home Depot for $8.00


  1. I like the vent idea, how dose it work? No light inside?

  2. Thanks, I made the vent for circulation due to the fan running 24/7 inside. I also have a screen on it to prevent insects from flying in. I have a light just to see inside. I use my foyer to ferment them for a day or 2 with plastic covers and a humidifier and heater before I put them in the chamber. It works good though!

  3. I didn't do it with mine but maybe I should...dose it help regulate the humidity? Im getting huge spikes of it when the humidifier kicks on...

  4. I'm not sure if its the vent or not, but the humidity is steadily between 70%-72%. What kind of humidifier are you using? It pays to invest in a decent humidfier, I got mine at CVS of all places since someone recommended using it.
